Welcome to ICE Trees.
In ICE Trees, we ensure all the children are our own buds. We help them to spread their wings in multiple skills by initiating and igniting them to IMAGINE, CREATE and EXPLORE to grow their own Tree, bearing fruitful future.     
This is our Motto and Vision.
Why we call ICE Trees?
Be like a Tree in our life. A tree needs seeds and spread roots in the soil, yet reaches the sky. In order to reach the sky, it needs fertile, strong roots and then the trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, and full of fruits. The tree tells us that in order to aspire we need to be planted with the right seed and that no matter how high we go, it is from our roots that we draw sustenance.
  A tree with strong roots laughs at storms and that’s exactly what we embed in our sprouts by making them more powerful, strong-willed, non-corrosive, non-polluting, and also the HAPPY ones over a period of time. Our children remain to be the determined, purposeful Global ICE Trees Citizens.    Keep Growing with us and enjoy your uniqueness.             


In ICE Trees, we sow seeds of IMAGINE and help the children to CREATE the strong, aspiring roots for their future to EXPLORE the World like branches and leaves. In this process of strong, nondestructive tree formation, ICE Trees take the major role of pouring water and the fertilizers with our Certified Proficient Teachers and Industry Veterans be the Mentor/Coach to guide and nurture in this process of ICE Tree formation. We provide a constructive approach to every child and show Patience, Passion, Perfection with Empathy by engaging in Real-World Learning. Our Design Thinking approach with Student-Centric Model, nurture each child’s skill to blossom, flourish as a fruitful tree to their life.


ICE Trees Learning Platform
How do we do this in ICE Trees?
                There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly. Our children are going to be the Leaders of tomorrow. Leaders are always about Excellence, Open Mind, & Independence. Hence, we want to make sure that they choose wisely and meticulously their choices. In that process we take the major work of their transformation of being independent and to be wise.
                We want to make each day as their Masterpiece. We truly believe falling seven times is not wrong but they need to stand up on their eight. We help them to choose their own path and go with all their heart. Every program they do, they are not just measured with their performance, but their confidence and ability to make it entirely unique. Today there are thousands of opportunities for both kids and adults who dream bigger than ours. Let us show those dreams!